Multiple Listing Service (The MLS)
"The heartbeat of the real estate industry"Criminal History Lookup- At No Cost!
domii® is the industry leading mobile app for MLSs and Realtors® Nationwide.
In fact, domii® is unrivaled in our committment to YOU!
We’ve taken agent safety and data compliance to the next level. As one of our Affiliate MLSs or Realtor® Organizations you have the opportunity to adopt domii® as YOUR Mobile App at ZERO cost.
Now, you can provide all of your members the value of domiiDetect™ and domiiVerify™ helping your agents stay safe, maintain compliance, and be well-informed, at ZERO cost to you or your members.
domiiDetect™ and domiiVerify™ are Free
- domiiDetect™ is our Criminal History look-up feature. We make staying safe our number one priority for agents. Agents can research a potential client for a nefarious background on-demand, for instant reporting of prior convictions, watch lists, sex offenders, and more. domiiDetect™ provides the information agents need to assess personal risk and stay safe BEFORE they go to an appointment.
- domiiVerify™ provides instant Federal Do-Not-Call compliance with our on-demand look-up tool. As a valuable productivity bonus, domii® also warns agents if the number is assigned to a burner phone or associated with scams and provides a fraud score ranging from zero to 100%.

- domiiIntel™ is our on-demand prospecting feature available for agents. Subscribing agents can instantly research property data, detailed homeowner contact information, and save for follow-up as their very own prospect lead. domii® instantly delivers public data including the owner name, phone, email, home value, mortgage, purchase price, property taxes, sales history, lot lines, instant valuation… over 100 data points on-demand!
“Imagine driving by an vacant home and being able to contact the owner instantly! The on-demand data is amazing. Thanks for making this app.”
Jeff, Manchester, NH
“Knowing that I can type in someone’s name and number, and know instantly if they have a criminal history for free is most generous. Thank you for caring”
Lara, Hanover, NH
domii® is always reaching out to organizations, MLSs, and large brokerage firms to affiliate with, adding value to their member benefits and to help keep their agents safe and out of harm’s way.
domii®‘s Value Add is Your Value Add
at no cost to anyone!
- YOUR domii® Mobile App Connects Agents + Consumers + Industry Professionals to Your MLS = Your Value Add
- YOUR domii® Mobile App provides the tools for Member Safety with domiiDetect™ and domiiVerify™ = Your Value Add
- YOUR domii® Mobile App provides your agents access to unrivaled prospecting data with domiiIntel™ = Your Value Add
- YOUR domii® Mobile App provides – Open House Sign In, Testimonial Platform, + OVER 100 features = Your Value Add

or simply call us at: (833) 366-4446
domii® The Ultimate Mobile App for all your members!
Open House Sign-in

Contact us or request a live demo…
domii® Pricing
domii® Prospecting Tools FREE with PROMO CODE
domiiDetect™, domiiVerify™, domiiNexus™, plus a FREE trial of domiiIntel™.
domii® Prospecting Tools: $19/month
domiiDetect™, domiiVerify™, domiiNexus™, plus 10 inquiries on domiiIntel™ per month.
domii® Prospecting Tools: $49/month
domiiDetect™, domiiVerify™, domiiNexus™, plus UNLIMITED inquiries on domiiIntel™ per month.
domii® Tier 2: $149/month
60 Seller Prospects per month, PLUS domiiDetect™, domiiVerify™, domiiNexus™, domiiIntel™, AND our 100+ productivity, real estate tools.
domii® Tier 3: $199/month
80 Seller Prospects per month, PLUS domiiDetect™, domiiVerify™, domiiNexus™, domiiIntel™, AND our 100+ productivity, real estate tools.
domii® Tier 4: $249/month
100 Seller Prospects per month, PLUS domiiDetect™, domiiVerify™, domiiNexus™, domiiIntel™, AND our 100+ productivity, real estate tools.
domii® Tier 5: $299/month
150 Seller Prospects per month, PLUS domiiDetect™, domiiVerify™, domiiNexus™, domiiIntel™, AND our 100+ productivity, real estate tools.